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Finding the right support to help you through the grieving process

It can be really hard knowing what to say or what to do for someone who is grieving. Here you will find some tips on good ways to support loved ones through this grieving process.

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Check out these tips!

Offer to cook, go food shopping, run errands, child care or do housework. 

Be there just to listen and be a shoulder to cry on.

Text or call when you think about them.

Help them establish new routine to provide structure and purpose to their lives.

Help create a memorial keepsake - a scrapbook, photo album or memory book 

Share your own positive memories and stories to keep their memory alive.

Encourage them to maintain social connections.

Help create a memorial event, website or social media page.

Offer assistance with paperwork, legal and financial matters, settling deceased affairs.

Support them with self care and their own wellbeing.

Celebrate special occassions with them eg. birthdays, anniversaries etc.

Share resources on grief support groups, therapists and counsellors specialising in loss and grief

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